Goddess of the Rose

8 Day Luxury Women’s Healing Retreat in Peru

This is a 8 day intimate women’s luxury healing retreat held in the majestic mountains of The Sacred Valley, Peru.

September 14th -21st

This experience is designed for you to awaken your feminine divinity and embody the inner Goddess living within you.

By working with Sacred Feminine Breathwork Ceremonies, Feminine Embodiment workshops, traditional Sweat Lodge, Huachuma (San Pedro) medicine, exquisite sound healing ceremony, the spirit of divine mother rose, and your prayer - you will ignite new levels of expansion within you, heal aspects of wounded feminine, and activate your power.

Here you will open the gateways of your heart to come into alignment with your prayer as you deepen your relationship to self and the divine and activate a new sense of alignment and belonging with mother earth.

"There are a lot of healing modalities in the world but the particular flavor that Sydney brings is exactly what Women and Society need to wake up and come back into their innate power and ultimately bring the world into balance."


When Women Come together to heal, the entire world receives healing.

The power of uniting the feminine together expands to realms and dimensions beyond our conscious awareness. The intentions, prayers and healing are not just magnified on an individual level or within the group level. It is amplified on a collective level. The magic effortlessly ripples into generations of our ancestors, activates healing for the collective consciousness of humanity and in turn, heals our planet, nourishing our great mother earth.

The sister wounds of jealousy, competition, comparison, deceit get transmuted into deep love, nourishment, collaboration, devotional honoring of all goddesses.

This Retreat is for you if you’re ready to…

  • Welcome in a new era of expansion

  • Break free from limiting beliefs, old conditioning, toxic stories of the mind

  • Release suppressed trauma and wounding stored in the body

  • Align your internal cycles and the natural rhythms and cycles of the earth

  • Experience the Sacredness of Sisterhood & heal any sister/mother wounds you may be subconsciously carrying

  • Re-establish safety within your body, release any stress/worries you may be carrying, bring your nervous system to calm, regulated state.

  • Awaken your authentic expression, activate new portals of creativity within you and let your Shakti fire rise

  • Deepen your connection to Mother Earth and activate the wisdom she carries within you

  • Connect deeper to your prayer, gain clarity and align with your intentions for your life

  • Harmonize your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical body

  • Activate and embody your full Goddess Energy!

What’s Included:

  • 7 Night/8 Day accommodation in private or shared room with housekeeping

  • Nourishing, organic meals cooked by a professional chef

  • 2 hours access to private luxury spa per day

  • Sacred Feminine Breathwork Ceremonies (Heart Womb, Dragon Shakti, Kundalini Tantric)

  • Huachuma Medicine Ceremony

  • Feminine Embodiment Workshops

  • Traditional Sweat Lodge

  • Flower Bath

  • Rose Blessing & Sound Healing Ceremony

  • Virtual Group Integration Call held 2 weeks after our time together

Not Included:

  • Flights

  • Transportation to and from center

Casa Raiz

A magical, family owned, luxury retreat center founded by Abelardo and Javier, two incredible men, anchored in their hearts who were born and raised in Peru. The entire center is rooted at the base of Apu (or mountain) pitusiray and is run by their family and local members of the community. This is a special place and all its elements were built with deep respect and permission from Pachamama. Every detail was carefully curated with intention to immerse you in the magic of these lands. No doubt as soon as you step foot here, you will feel at home.

I’ve had the personal pleasure of getting to know the owners, they couldn’t be more excited to welcome you in and provide a safe, nurturing space for profound healing and transformation to take place.

This will be our sanctuary during our time together. By attending this retreat you’ll be supporting the locals of this land.

Just as our universe contains galaxies, planets, stars, clouds of dust, light and energy; CasaRaíz grew on sacred land, with stones and mountain rocks, quartz from the apus that surround it, noble wood and water from the mountain snow that runs through the house.”

The Spa

Every day we will have 2 hours of private access to the spa. Includes pools with water directly from the mountain naturally filtered by salt from the nearby maras, sauna, steam room and cold plunge pools.


Each room comes with a shower, Jacuzzi tub, balcony and house keeping

EARLY BIRD PRICING! Receive $150 off when you book by April 30th

Double/Shared Room - $3,300

6 Spots Available

To be shared with one other goddess.

Queen Room - $3,700

1 Spot available

*Does not include Jacuzzi

King Private Room - $3,800

1 Spot available

Meet Your Guides

Sydney Foltz

Retreat organizer, Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator, Feminine Embodiment Leader, Medicine & Integration Support.

Hello My love!

I will be your guide during our incredible week together.

A little about my story: About five years ago, I reached a point of ultimate burnout in my life. I was an actress and comedian living in Chicago, working multiple day jobs, going on countless auditions, pouring all my free time into big projects because I thought this was the way to survive and make “ends meet.” I had no time or space to truly live. “There is no way this could be my life…there has to be more than this.”

After realizing that I didn’t want to live like this anymore, I got invited to sit a dieta with Shipibo Meastro’s deep in the Amazon of Peru working with the medicine of Ayahausca. Little did I know, the work I would do with the medicine was going to act as a catalyst for the greatest era of expansion and freedom of my life.

I came back from this experience a completely different woman with the innate knowing my true life purpose was to live, grow and heal alongside mother earth. So, I took the greatest leap I could have ever imagined. I quit all my jobs, left my agency, my podcast I had produced with friends, sold all my belongings, broke up with my partner, moved to Costa Rica and dove head first into the great unknown with absolutely no plan.

I never imagine my life would unfold in the way it did.

Since that moment four years ago, I have dedicated my path to deepening my devotion to the medicine of plants. I’ve been expanding, growing, exploring and training in different healing modalities and medicines from all over the world. I have had extensive training in Shamanic Reiki, Sacred Feminine Alchemy with the lineage of the Rose, and Trauma-Informed Breathwork facilitation.

It is my mission to bring women together and hold a safe, loving and intentional space where ALL aspects of your feminine is welcome. Here you are safe to unravel and re-wild into your most authentic expression. You are invited to take off your masks, drop the armor, leave all expectations at the door and come ready to surrender to the magic and expansive that lives within you.

I’ve been living in the Sacred Valley of Peru for almost a year now, and I am not the same woman I was when I arrived on these lands. To paint the picture, the Sacred Valley is surrounded by Apus, which is Quechua term for mountains with lagoons - known to be portals directly to the heavens. These lands have changed my life in the most impactful and incredible ways unlike any other place on earth, and I’m excited for you to experience their profound magic.

This women’s retreat was birthed in deep ceremony and prayer from the depths of my heart. Every detail has been carefully curated with the intention to provide you with a truly transformative experience for the collective group of sisters as a whole.

Everyone involved is in high integrity with this work and has been a special part of my own healing here in Peru. I vow with all that I am, you will be divinely taken care in this space as you activate the divine remembrance of who you truly are.

Avalon Roza

Sound Healer & Huachuma Facilitator

Avalon holds a lot of integrity, embodiment and humility as a medicine woman. Her dedication to the plants is beyond inspiring. She has been working, supporting and sitting with different medicines, mainly Ayahuasca and Huachuma for the past 9 years. You can see the moment the ceremony opens the deep level of mutual respect and honor she and the plants have with each other. She learned how to serve Huachuma with a Peruvian family, who have been holding ceremonies for many years. She has held countless retreats, medicine and diet space with her teachers for the past 9 years. One of her teachers being Nacho, a well respected Ayahuasca Facilitator here in Peru, who she has worked alongside for 7 years. She has spent 2 years in solitude sitting 16 different diets - 4 of which were with the Rose. Others plants include: Piñon Colorado, Noya Rao, Bobinsana, Tobacco, Renaquilla, Ajo Sacha, Bolquiero, Tamamuri, Shihuahuaco, Sequoia, and Oak. All of the plants she has sat with are her allies and she welcomes these plants into the ceremony to help hold, guide and protect the space. 

Additionally, Avalon is a licensed healing touch practitioner and before medicine work, focused this practice with the elderly. She worked at a skilled nursing facility where she administered healing touch to support the transition of the souls of the dying. She is also a vibrational sound therapist and works with the healing power of sound to help people navigate stress, anxiety and restore harmony within the body. She is a Light language practitioner, she sings and speaks in different tongues to support people's individual prayers, helping people release what they are looking to let go of and bringing what they want to manifest. Her soul mission is to empower people with her voice, especially women. 

I have chosen Avalon to be apart of this experience not only because of her years of experience with medicine & women’s work, the impeccable safe space she creates, her skills in supporting people one on one when needed. She holds a lot of wisdom, knowledge and education with the spirit of Rose and Huachuma. She has extensively dieted and worked with the spirit of the Rose and incorporates the teachings, wisdom and blessings of the rose with her offerings.

Aleider Bernal Cordoba

Sweat Lodge Facilitator: Voice alchemist, Storyteller and world-artist

Sweat Lodge, Inipi and Temazcal is an ancestral and native healing ceremony that invites us to purification, allowing us to travel to the interior of our being and the Womb of Mother Earth. Connecting with the Spirits of the Elements, our Ancestors, Guides, the cycle of life and death, rebirthing and celebrating the present. We reborn with more clarity, with a new energy and we detox our being from many different energies. The ceremony is designed to be a safe but challenging experience.

Through his profound work as a facilitator of sacred space for the authentic voice led him to deepen his wisdom of prayer in Sweat lodge. A ceremony with Aleider is a Beautiful orchestrated journey into the one heart that intertwines prayer, devotional singing and storytelling in union with the four element and wisdom of the medicine wheel.

Mother Rose

The rose is known to be the highest frequency plant on our planet and the symbol for the Divine Feminine.

She stands strong in her stem, rooted into the intelligence of pachamama.

Her thorns serve as divine protectors, boundaries anchored in love.

Her petals are tender, sweet and bold.

She is royal, patient and wise.

She reminds you to TRUST in life and TRUST in self.

She invites you into your majesty, encourages you to share your magic with the world from the depth of your heart, anchored in your truth.

Here to guide you into the depth and beauty of your emotional waters, revealing the gift each emotion has for us - no matter how uncomfortable it may feel.

She is here to activate the divine remembrance that you belong on Mother Earth, and awaken the intelligence of our divine mother within you.

She will pierce through the pains of your heart and brings with her the gift of compassion, self forgiveness and grace.

She is here to take you on a journey into the great mystery of the heart, and initiate you deeper into the way of the divine feminine.

She will be our anchor during our time together.

Her wisdom and embodiment weaved within every ceremony, every prayer, every moment of healing.


Huachuma is a native, indigenous psychedelic medicine home to the high Andes of Peru, It is a gift to be able to work with this medicine in its home. This spirit has a gentle power and is known to bring you out of the mind and into the depths of the heart to awaken your power, your purpose and experience deep levels of compassion, self forgiveness, unconditional love and oneness with Pachamama.

Huachuma helps you dive into your emotions, heal traumas and show the powerful teaching these wounds have for us. The medicine will show you where your ego is getting in the way of living a life from the truth of your heart. It's a medicine that gives you energy, stamina and helps you experience pure joy and the ecstasy of love within. It heightens all the senses to hear, see, smell, yourself and mother earth at a whole new level. When working with this medicine its can dissolve through any time constructs, remove the veils of disillusion, connect you back with your power, be a catalyst for your prayers and activate the deep remembrance that you are one with the Earth. Sitting with this powerful spirit allows you to return to your natural state of being and harmonizes you with the natural rhythms of our planet. It brings about profound clarity and is an excellent medicine for helping you discover a deeper sense of purpose for your life.

Rose and Huachuma grow alongside each other and are a powerful team. Huachuma represents divine masculine heart and rose represents divine feminine heart, when you bring them together you create the harmony of the Sacred Heart within. They carry with them the wisdom of compassion, forgiveness, and bring you into deeper balance with the truth of your soul and the wisdom of mother earth. 


Our Chef

“I believe in the power of food to nourish not only the body but also the soul. With a deep connection to the earth and a passion for creating mindful meals, I bring a unique blend of flavors and ingredients to the table.

Cooking for retreats is more than just a job for me; it's a calling. I see each dish as an opportunity to infuse love, intention, and positive energy into every bite. By using locally sourced, organic ingredients and honoring the natural rhythms of the seasons, I aim to create meals that not only satisfy hunger but also uplift and inspire those who partake in them.

My culinary journey is guided by a deep spiritual practice that informs every aspect of my cooking. I approach each meal with mindfulness and gratitude, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of nourishing both body and spirit. Through my food, I seek to create a space for healing, transformation, and connection, allowing retreat participants to experience the profound impact of conscious eating.

Join me on a culinary journey that goes beyond the plate, where each bite is a reminder of the sacredness of food and the joy of sharing a meal in community.”


  • "There are a lot of healing modalities in the world but the particular flavor that Sydney brings is exactly what Women and Society need to wake up and come back into their innate power and ultimately bring the world into balance."


  • “With the help of Sydney’s guidance, I was able to dive deep into that vast, infinite ocean of knowledge we all possess within us and I’m so grateful for the lessons my soul taught me! I emerged from the experience with clear direction and purpose.”


  • “Breathing with The Heart Womb Method cultivated the deepest connection my heart has ever felt with my womb space.”

    - Danielle

  • "There is something about the way Syd shows up, especially as a guide, that makes you want to have fun, and play! I am honored to have someone help me flow and open up to new uncharted waters within myself. "


  • Sydney’s energy and space was so safe allowing me to express to my full capacity without holding back anything as well as the space held for integration and any further support was also welcome and there if needed. Sydney is very intuitive with what she believes the best method is for you depending on where you’re at in your journey and what she feels the earth calling in for you! I would highly recommend working with Sydney and receive her softness, love and open heart!


  • I highly recommend Sydney! I am new to this form of healing. I was intrigued by using my own body and breath as a resource to heal deep wounds. I felt confident in her knowledge, her experience, her years of training and her spirit. I had no idea what to expect but I was open. The power of my breath guided safely by Sydney I cannot put into words. I went beyond what was in my conscious mind for the first time and released so much. Sydney is gentle, understanding and held space for me. I feel lighter, stronger, and everyday I notice a positive change. I can't wait for my next session! She is a gem!


  • I’ve been doing breath work for years but Sydney’s Shakti breath workshop gave me access to parts of myself like nothing else. Shakti breathwork holds so much potency and magic for transformation, If you want to change your life it starts with your life force.


  • Care, compassion, and consciousness; Sydney Foltz leads with wisdom while creating room for your own journey to do the rest. Many “experts” boast of creating “safe spaces” without fully understanding what that looks like, namely for people belonging to marginalized identities. Sydney’s aura alone, however, naturally creates an environment conducive to letting one’s guard down. From the moment you meet her, it is clear that she has done her homework. Overall, my experience with Sydney Foltz’s breathwork journey was overwhelmingly positive. I never realized how powerful a process as natural as breathing could be a portal to the unmanifested.


  • I can’t imagine anyone better to hold this space for me. Sydney embodies the unbound wild divine sacred feminine in a way that makes the most sense for this generation and today's issues. She is unapologetically herself, ALWAYS. having her to guide me, spiritually holding my hand through this process of expanding and releasing was without a doubt perfectly orchestrated by Source. As I continue on this journey of unleashing and fully living, Sydney and the Dragon Shakti Breath method helped me burn away another layer of hurt, doubt, shame, and something else I can’t quite name.

    - Natasha

  • My breathwork sessions with Sydney were life-changing, and that is not an overstatement. Her attention to detail of the physical space and the energetic container were what allowed me to be fully present in the experience and therefore gain the best results.


  • Sydney is a beautiful soul, incredible facilitator, that will help you to come back home to yourself.


  • My womb space felt expansive and warm. I’ve noticed a heightened state of mental clarity since the session, as well as some emotional stickiness being released. I am certainly more connected to my sexual energy and creative fire which feels amazing. I plan on working with Syd many more times in the future—she is absolutely living her soul’s purpose with this healing work of the breath.
