Plant Medecine Integration

Plant Medicine Integration Support

The past few years, I have devoted my life to working closely with various plant medicines such as Ayahuasca, Kambo, Mushrooms, and various master plant teachers. Through my expereince, I have learned how much dedication and care must go into the integration process is. I believe that 20% of the work is done in ceremony and the remaining 80% is what unfolds when we return to our lives.

A lot of the people who have come to work with me this past year came with the intention to further integrate their plant medicine journey. I’ve now created a special offering for this kind of work. Through my years of working with plant medicine, being an assistant for kambo ceremonies, trauma informed breathwork training and experience as a space holder; I’m here to listen and support your process by providing tools on how to move forward in developing a deeper relationship with your healing process and connection with the plant spirit.

These sessions are available online through zoom, or in person in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica.

Proper Integration Supports us with:

  • Truly anchoring in transformation in our lives by making aligned choices that support the shifts

  • Deepening our relationship with the plant allies

  • Staying devoted to our intention

  • Not giving into stories of our past

  • Creating new & healthy thought patterns

  • Honing in on our magic and aligning with the truth of our soul and highest timeline

  • Navigating the tests & shifts that come our way

  • Grieving the old parts of you that have shed

  • Non-attachment on all levels

  • Trust in yourself, the great spirit and the work of the plants

Working with the breath through integration

Breathwork is a powerful tool in integrating our plant medicine experience. It allows us to have those “plant medicine” journey’s through the power of our own breath. It can support us in getting further clarity on things that may have come into our awareness during our plant medicine journey. Additionally, it supports the plants in completing the healing work on your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body. It empowers us to remember that we are own inner healer, that we don’t have to solely depend on these medicines for our healing. The breath allows us to see the plants as powerful tools to support us on our journey.

I work with The Sacred Breath Method, a holistic, trauma informed, somatically-based, free form method of conscious connected breathwork that opens the gateway to expanded states of consciousness where profound transformation occurs through the intimate meeting of self.

The sacred breath method prioritizes re-establishing safety within the body by utilizing the Parasympathetic Nervous system. Working with method allows you to rebalance the emotional body, heal the pain body and activate your souls highest expression. Here you will discover the wise one within and create space within your being to root deeper into the light of your truth.

I am here to answer any questions and curiosities you may have. Still wondering if these offering are for you?