A private 3 month healing journey for the one who is ready to welcome in a new era of expansion and reclaim power, purpose and pleasure into their life.

Welcome to my most intimate program, a safe sanctuary away from the norms of your life where you get to come alive in your authenticity through the powerful awakening of your inner healer.

What makes this program special is that it is intentionally curated to serve where you are at in your journey and the intentions you have for your life.

A space for you to reclaim those parts of self you feel have been lost and integrate them back to the wholeness of your soul through deep, safe, trauma informed healing.

ALL OF YOU is welcome, there is no hiding here.

This is for you if…

You feel that you are on the brink of massive expansion. You have this deep feeling in your soul that you are meant for so much more than your current reality. There are certain patterns & habits you are having a hard time breaking free from and you are ready to receive private support and deep, somatic healing.

You’re ready to create new, inspiring, exciting reality for yourself, fully embrace the fullness of your potential, step into the person you are meant to become to welcome in the prayers you’ve been cultivating for your life.

You’re ready to learn to work WITH life’s challenges rather than against and re-establish unshakeable trust within your self and life.

You’re ready to look at the more uncomfortable, misaligned parts of self and take real, radical responsibility for the life you’re creating for and where you haven’t been showing up.

You desire to connect intimately with your feminine divinity and embody a feminine way of life that aligns with your natural rhythms and cycles as you deepen your relationship to mother earth and the wisdom you both hold.

You are ready to embody a new level of sovereignty by working with power of your own medicine and awaken your inner healer.

You’re ready to reclaim power, pleasure, purpose and creativity into your life.


Every week you enter a sacred oasis, outside of the norms of your life where you come alive in you authentic expression. A safe space for you fully express and release those suppressed emotions, traumas and wounds living within you to welcome greater levels of light, love and pleasure into your being. Every week you embark on a beautiful descent into the depths of yourself self to create a deeper sense of intimacy with the soul and the divine.

Your inner goddess rises from the ashes to awaken new levels of your power, your creativity, your gifts, the magic you’re meant to share with the world, unlocking the unique soul codes you hold within the depths of your soul.

You get to explore the patterns and habits that have been keeping you stuck in life and embody a higher, more aligned perspective and receive divine guidance thats rooted in truth, safety love and full potential of your life.

You break free of your victim mindset. Those old stories, thought loops, limiting beliefs and conditionings of the mind fade away as you create space in your being to surrender to the great mystery of life and open your arms to receive the endless possibilities that are waiting to enter your life.

You bring healing to those lost parts of self, the disempowered, hurt, doubtful younger versions of you and come into deeper wholeness with the pure truth and magnitude of your soul.

You become a cycle breaker for your lineage, release the suppressed trauma from you ancestors and makes space to embody the wisdom they have to share from their lived experience.

You wake up every day feeling nourished, grounded, regulated and excited about life. You’re able to easily embrace the sweetness of each day and what it brings. Your worries, doubts and fears fade away and the light of your truth takes center stage in your mind.

All of this unfolds as you fall deeply fall in love with yourself, stop looking at others for holding and validation, and find wholeness, safety and pure love within yourself.

Whats Included:

  • 12 sessions 60-120 Minutes (depending on the modality) ideally meeting once a week for 3 months.

  • One integration session to be used within 3 months of our time together.

  • Email support.

As a bonus you will receive:

We will work with:

Sacred Feminine Breathwork Ceremonies

Shamanic Energy Healing

Akashic Record Readings

Feminine Embodiment & Spiritual mentorship

Exchange: $3,800 with payment plans available.

I only accept a maximum of three women at a time to ensure that I am able to fully devote to your healing & intentions.

Looking for a shorter program?

I have a 6 week journey, AWAKEN here to help you awaken to your power & potential, heal and break free from whats been holding you back and launch you on the path towards your prayers.

Hi I’m Sydney

I will be your guide through this incredible journey of epic transformation and expansion.

I am not here to heal, fix or save you…for you are not broken. I am here to facilitate an experience for you to come alive in your power, awaken new levels of liberation within you as you bring deep healing to your being through the power of working with your own inner healer.

My work is trauma informed and rooted in the principle that you are your own greatest healer, I am here to hold a space for you to claim it. My service is to the goddess within all beings, to help curate a sacred container for you embody ALL aspects of the feminine and integrate her into your life.

I have gone through extensive training with different healing modalities such as Shamanic Reiki, Sacred Breathwork Facilitation, Feminine Embodiment Leadership, Akashic Records, and spent years sitting and supporting different plant medicine ceremonies.

I deeply care about the souls who come to work with me, every session is a ceremony intutively guided to serve your prayer and the intentions you have for your life. Always held in unconditional love and confidentiality.
