Energy Healing

Together we will create a sacred space within your being for you to fully step into your power.

These healings are a beautiful opportunity for you to receive a deep energetic cleaning, reading and activation. To gain some insights as to what is present within your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical body and receive guidance that is looking to come through from your higher self and benevolent guides. Here I will help clear blockages that may be standing in the way of accessing your fullest potential and provide tools on how to continue to keep these blockages at bay. These healings can also serve as an activation, here to help you awaken your magic, bring you deeper into alignment with your soul's mission and highest timeline. Together we will restore harmony within your being so you can live your life from a place of deeper truth, alignment and purpose.

Please know, that I am not here to heal you for you are your own inner healer. These sessions are meant to be used as a tool to support you on your journey.

What does a session with me look like?

Your only job is to sit back, relax and remain open to receiving a healing. We open up  the session for you to share any misalignments, blockages, pains in the body or mental loops you’ve been experiencing. I’ll guide you through an opening mediation into the portal and begin the healing. Afterwards, I share what I saw, what was cleared and any insights or wisdoms that are looking to come through from the benevolent guides and your higher self. As always, take what resonates with you and leave the rest. 

I work with reiki energy, loving wisdom and energies of Pachamama, the elements, master plant spirits, animal guides, energy from my soul as well as different dimensions of the cosmos to help restore balance within your energy systems and re-harmonize your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual body. Through clairvoyant channeling I am able to see whats present within each energy center and bring in the tools I need to clean, activate and balance your field. I am also in contact with your higher self and guides to receive and relay any divine messages and insights that are looking to come through.

I close each session by blessing your body with prayers of protection to ensure that you are left feeling fully anchored, balanced and protected in your power.

This is for you if:

  • You are ready to make space in your life for transformation to occur. To shed old parts of yourself that no longer serve you and create space within your being for new opportunities, relationships, knowledge and magic to come through.

  • You constantly feel stuck, heavy, low energy, and disconnected from your self and you need support getting back into alignment.

  • You are ready to meet lost parts of your soul and work through any suppressed wounds, traumas and emotions that may arise. To heal and connect with hurt parts of your inner child.

  • You are looking to clear any blockages that are keeping you from accessing a flow of abundance and prosperity. These may include toxic thought patterns and habits that stem from fear, control, scarcity and anxiety.

  • You are ready to unlock your magic and share your unique gifts with the world. To deepen the connection to your souls mission and embody your truth from a place of love and integrity.

  • You’re a space holder looking to receive a cleansing of any lingering debris that may have attached it self to you.

  • You are ready to live in abundance & create a life of ease, grace, joy and pleasure.

Your Guide

I have always had these gifts since I was a child. The ability to connect beyond the veil with the angels, masters & teachers from above as well as the wisdom of our great mother earth and all her elements. I really started to put these gifts into practice a few years ago, when I began my journey into the plant medicine world and my initiation with Shamanic Reiki. Here I learned how to hone in all my gifts, my connection to the elements of the earth, alongside reiki energy. 

Through my devotion to healing and growing with the earth, I have sat with teachers such as ayahuasca, kambo, mushrooms, and dieted different master plants. Through my own healing process working with these plants, I have developed a relationship with each spirit to work alongside me during these healings. 

I am of service to the wisdom of the cosmos, the guidance of pachamama and the universal life force energy of all that is. These healings are a combination of all my gifts, teachings and initiations I have gained throughout my journey. 

I take the time to ensure I am a clear and grounded channel, with all my attention and focus put on you. Through these healings you will receive the divine, unconditionally loving light from my heart to yours. 

Additional Benefits


  • Releases tension & pain

  • Aids Digestion

  • Overall relaxation

  • Promotes restful sleep

  • Supports physical healing process

  • Helps identify & treat illnesses

  • Strengthens the immune system

Emotional & Mental

  • Reduces anxiety & stress

  • Creates space for clarity & guidance to come through

  • Releases stuck emotions and traumas

  • Increased attention span

  • Leaves you feeling balanced & grounded

  • Increase self-esteem


  • Enhances intuition

  • Energy Cleanse

  • Harmonize chakras

  • Removes energy blocks

  • Deepens connection to higher self

  • Greater sense of meaning in life

  • Promotes spiritual growth


  • "Her healing hands felt like an angelic force was pulsing through me removing all blocks"

    I had the pleasure of receiving a healing session with Sydney a few months back. I immediately felt safe and seen by her grounded and nurturing presence. Her healing hands felt like an angelic force was pulsing through me removing all blocks. All the while feeling her channeling and guiding the light energy to repair any tears within my aura. I came into the session feeling scattered, overwhelmed and anxious, and left feeling renewed, clear and embodied.

    So much gratitude for this beautiful being and her gift of space holding and healing presence.

    Thank you for all you do.

    Paulina Luna Lioness ~

    Wild Woman Medicine

  • "I felt so relaxed during and afterward I could feel that all parts of me were working together more coherently."

    My energy healing session with Sydney was exactly the nourishment and reset that I needed. I felt so relaxed during and afterward I could feel that all parts of me were working together more coherently. Sydney is a gifted healer and I felt very safe and taken care of in her presence. All of the messages that she shared afterward about my energy centers were so resonant and gave me a lot of clarity around what I’ve been experiencing and how to move forward. Highly recommend giving yourself the gift of working with this beautiful soul!


  • "Since our session I can feel my heart more open and see how my life is being to draw in the things that line up with my heart’s desires."

    Sydney provided me with one of the most transformative energy sessions I’ve ever had! She created such a professional and relaxing environment with her energy and incorporation of aromatherapy. I left feeling at peace and ready to implement the helpful guidance I was given. As a healer myself, I came to her seeking to remove blockages that were hampering my gifts and holding me back from sharing them with the world. Since our session I can feel my heart more open and see how my life is being to draw in the things that line up with my heart’s desires. I feel more grounded in my power and better equipped to quiet my mind.


  • "The session was absolutely beautiful and super powerful. "

    Sydney was very patient with me. I appreciate her energy as I am very discerning in who I allow in my field for energy medicine.The session was absolutely beautiful and super powerful. She shared with me the messages she received and they felt very accurate.I felt much more clear and aligned afterwards and look forward to seeing how the aligned energy resonates out to my external life.

    I will be receiving another session when I’m called.

    Thank you 🙏


Let’s create this sacred portal of healing together.

Benefits of working with multiple sessions

If you resonate with this work, I encourage you to sit multiple sessions. This will allow us to go deeper into what is alive and present for you. The more sessions you receive the deeper we will be able to clean your energetic field and activate the codes of your highest soul expression. My container is held with unconditional love, intention and integrity. No session will be the same and it is always directed toward your highest good. The intention to create fresh space within yourself to embody your true potential and make room for magic to enter your life.

I am here to answer any and all questions you may have about these journeys.